Friday, February 20, 2009


It may be two weeks left or something, but holy shit if this is not the best thing to happen since the Richie Hawtin afterparty in Hammarby sjöstad.

On the 6th of March, the best band in the world Embassy will play Strand in Stockholm, and we are each given this rare opportunity to drink 3 litres of wine, pull moves on all the wrong people, slur about brighter tomorrows and watch this truly essential act take the stage.
And if this for some reason should not be enough to go down in split, Matt Didemus from Junior Boys will be behind the decks.

All the info at Popagandas website.

As for tonight, our dear friend Jeppe Funk will be steering the wheels of steel at Familjen/1900 together with Robban, and as always it will be funky and disco-y and lots of swell looking, well-groomed boys and girls lurking around.