Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Why don´t you listen to this the next time you come home from an all-nighter at 7.03 in the morning when you´ve had too much of everything, no one to hold, holes in your pants, no curtains and only carrots in the fridge for munchies.

Promise it will be fitting.

Its Circlesquare by the way, another re-discovery of mine, its a canadian act that sounds sort of like a mixture between Junior Boys, Colder and a low-pitched DJ Koze.
Elegantly decadent music fitting for people who has no sleepcircle, doubtable morals and wears sunglasses when riding the subway.

This particular song was on the "Fight Sounds" EP, released in 2006 through Output.

The new album "Songs About Dancing And Drugs" was released in early 2009 through !K7, but why don´t you turn this classic up loud and wake your neighbours so at least they will get up in time for work.

MP3 : Circlesquare - Fight Sounds Pt1

And if you live in Stockholm, you can see them live at Fritz Corner/Debaser on the 11th of April.